Core Java Interview Questions and Answers Hi guys, I am attempting to put as many of Core Java interview questions and answers as possible in this post. You can bookmark this post as the no. of questions here will increase over time as I keep updating them. Q.1 How is Java platform independent? Ans: Before going into the detail,first you have to understand what is the mean of platform? Platform consists of the computer hardware(mainly architecture of the microprocessor) and OS. Platform=hardware+Operating System Anything that is platform independent can run on any operating system and hardware. Java is platform indepedent so java can run on any operating system and hardware. Now question is how it is platform independent? This is because of the magic of Byte Code which is OS indepedent. When java compiler compile any code then it generate the byte code not the machine native code(unlike C compiler).Now this byte code need a interpreter to execute on a machine.Th...